Cloud Backup & Storage IV: Amazon Prime Photos

In keeping with our look at popular cloud backup services today we’re going to take a look at: Amazon. If you need a primer on backups in general start here.

Aside from the troubling thought of contributing the coffers of the richest person in the world, one of the world’s most influential and powerful oligarchs and the maltreatment of his workers, Amazon makes a pretty compelling backup service.

Free Storage Option: N/A

Paid Storage Option/Annual Cost: Included with Amazon Prime is unlimited photo storage and 5GB for everything else. For additional non-photo storage between 100GB - 30TB prices run from $124 - $3850.

Compression: No

JPG Support: Yes

TIFF Support: Yes

RAW Support: Yes

Device Support: They can probably get Amazon on the ISS.

Ease of Backup: Automated

Ease of Restoring: Automated

Other Benefits: Amazon Prime Membership includes many other Amazon Services.

Privacy: Not bad, actually.

Licensing: Users retain licensing rights and ownership of their photos and files. (Yay!)

God, I wish I didn’t feel so guilty for liking this one.

Next week, we’ll take a closer look at Dropbox.

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Feature Photograph of the Week - Moroccan Lake

On the outskirts of Fez and Meknes, Barrage Sidi Chahed lake

On the outskirts of Fez and Meknes, Barrage Sidi Chahed lake