Sunrise on the Ganges
Sunrise on the Ganges
Georgian Bay Sunset
Georgian Bay Sunset
Black Rainbow
Black Rainbow
Giallo e Azzuro
Giallo e Azzuro
Balloon Creature
Balloon Creature
Sunrise on the Ganges
Sunrise on the GangesOn the banks of the Ganges River at Varanasi, an early morning boat ride at Sunrise
PilgrimageView of a roadside crucifix from atop the Gargano Escarpment in Italy
Georgian Bay Sunset
Georgian Bay SunsetSummer sunset in Owen Sound, across the harbour
Black Rainbow
Black RainbowBlack paint poured over coloured powder.
Giallo e Azzuro
Giallo e AzzuroRust peaking out behind the vibrant yellow and blue paint of a truck
Balloon Creature
Balloon CreatureA giant balloon creature.
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